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     Your security is important to you, your family members and us.   Initially this page will begin with links to sources of information on specific security topics related to shopping or selling online.  I hope to develop a full fledged domain on the topic of security to serve users of this site and others in the online advertising industry.

Thank you for your patience and loyalty as this web site grows and develops with the goal of stronger, healthier communities and cleaner environment.  If you have any concerns about an ad or your security as pertains to this web site and do not find an answer in the About Security page, please use the Contact tab at the top of any page.  

 We use Captcha so someone will have to type in the numbers when they want to send your item to a friend, or contact the seller.  This reduces the chances of a random computer generated email.



FORGOTEN PASSWORD:  If you have any trouble logging in with a known password please use the forgot password tool.  The site will send you a secure password.  Please allow about one minute due to our server's verification requirements.   When you receive the new password by email, simply highlight the non-alphanumeric password and past it to the login password block below your user name.   Remember,  hold the Cntl C keys to Copy, and Cntl V to Paste.


ACCOUNT WILL NOT LOG IN:    Your account was probably locked by admin due to three or more attempts to log in with wrong information.   Use the Contact key and let us know your email or user name so we can verify unlock it for you.

BUYER CONTACTS YOU with offer to send a cashier's check.  BEWARE !   This is most likely a criminal.  For secure payments, you can use PayPal,  or Google Merchant services on your Value or Unlimited account.   You can also use the Value or Unlimited services and enjoy a one - month free trial period with a coupon from adbirds or our affiliates when you register or upgrade your account. 

 - We currently offer the following 30 day free trial coupon:   sell



Vacation Rental Scams and everything for sale online:

Know and verify your seller.  Read an excellent article from the Chicago Tribune.    Be wary of vacation rentals you see online



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We are the free online classified advertising site designed to make a positive difference in our world.  With affordable business services and a unique distance - fuel cost calculator when you select "get distance".  Our goal is to help you save time and fuel while shopping and dining at local businesses.  All images and information uploaded by adbirds are property of adbirds or used with permission.   Please, help us remain child - friendly!  Log in to flag an ad that seems inappropriate.  Please read our Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions/ User Agreement prior to posting.  We reserve the right to modify terms without notice.  ADBIRDS is not responsible for the actions or performance of any advertiser herein.     

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