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President of Zhanlu Glacier Cool

For Sale By BrianWhalen (Charity Organization)   -   Fuel Cost:
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"Your young lady is tired. Take her in." Without another word, he turned and strode to his car. Behind him he heard Nian Qing calling him, "Chizo, you come back!"! Where are you going ?” He hardened his heart and did not answer, then got into the car and went away. Zhan Lu, President of Glacier Cool Chapter 6 Taiwan Five Years Later "You didn't persuade him to let go, did you?" The quiet voice came from the gentle man sitting opposite Nianqing. "I said you couldn't handle him. Ming Qianzang, once he decides what he wants, he will never let go. "There are too many things he can want. Why do you have to compete with me for Kyle?" Nianqing was very upset. Su Muchen shook his head when he heard this. "You're not so smart that you really think he just wants Kyle, are you?" "He doesn't want to annex Fang, does he?" She snorted. "I don't believe he can be so cruel and righteous." Su Muchen went to the table and patted her on the head. "Nian Qing, are you going around in circles with me?"? No one can help you solve your emotional problems. But I can at least give you some advice, and I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth now. Nianqing bit her lip and said softly, "I know what you mean, but I don't know how to face this problem.". Standing next to Chizo, sometimes I'm scared. "What are you afraid of?"? I'm afraid he doesn't like you. ?” "Maybe, sometimes I always feel that the way we like people is different, I need a relaxed environment, relaxed communication, but his love is like a cocoon,Prison toilet for sale, to wrap people up layer by layer, airtight, so that you can not even breathe." "That's why you didn't go abroad with him." He picked up the framed picture on her desk. "Your man didn't go with him, but your heart was tied to him. Five years ago, what happened to make you two get into such a deep knot? "Actually, it's nothing." She mumbled, "One night on my birthday,Stainless Steel Prison Toilet, Xiaodong came to me to celebrate. He was very excited when he got his first salary. I drank two glasses of wine with him. When I came home, I was seen by Chizo." "Do you mean to say that instead of being with your fiance on your birthday, you got drunk with another man and went home together and got caught with your pants down?" She squinted at him. "Do you have to be so naked?" "Isn't that the truth?" Su Muchen pressed. " On the surface, it seems so, but in fact.. "Needless to say," he smiled deeply, "a man who loves you deeply, in the time you should be alone, to see you and other men together intimately, any normal, loving man may not be able to stand. Ming Qianzang didn't break off his engagement with you on the spot, which is enough self-restraint. "Mu Chen!"! You're accusing me, aren't you? ? Who are you really helping? ? Help Ming Qianzang or me? "I wanted to explain to him afterwards, but he didn't see me at all, Stainless Steel Toilet Sink Combo ,stainless steel shower tray, and then he went abroad in advance." "Then go abroad that day, you and Xiaodong together, so that let him misunderstand deeper, is not it?" Su Muchen sat back in the seat, "I think you are in big trouble. Although I am not very familiar with Ming Qianzang, I guess a proud man like him will not be broad-minded. When these things are added together, he will surely be able to give you a complete book of red apricots and keep it in mind for a lifetime. "Don't scare me, OK?" Of course, Nian Qing knows Ming Qianzang very well. In terms of feelings, Ming Qianzang has never been generous, nor can he be generous. In fact, she could understand why he misunderstood her so much and so deeply by putting herself in the position of Ming Qianzang afterwards. When they were preparing to go abroad together, Zhao Xiaodong often came to see her, and Ming Qianzang saw them together more than once. In the last few days, he became more silent and his expression was more gloomy. It doesn't matter if he is a fast talker, but he always keeps all his troubles in his heart and never speaks out. Before he got on the plane, he was finally willing to answer her cell phone, and when she wanted to explain, he grabbed her, "You can do whatever you want, I won't force you to go abroad with me.". Just from now on, don't mention the name'Xiaodong 'to me again. Then he hung up the phone, and the message was cut off for several years. If her intuition is right, Ming Chizo is targeting her at all. Well, how can I explain it to him? She tried to contact him numerous times. After getting the number from her family, she called him again and again, but he cut off the phone as soon as he heard it was her. Later, her parents died in a plane crash, and she had to take over the family business and go into business, leaving no time to fly to the United States to find him. Actually, even if we meet, so what? It's the same as yesterday. They broke up on bad terms and didn't have time to say anything clearly. Did he not mention your engagement? "Su Muchen asked." Or has he terminated your personal relationship in his heart? " "He didn't mention it, but." Nian Qing stopped. From the performance of Ming Qianzang yesterday, his indifference and alienation to her did not reach the terrible level she had imagined. Valentine's Day is coming. He reminded her, "Maybe you can use this opportunity to talk everything over with him.". Stubborn and proud as he is, he is not an unreasonable person. "Valentine's Day?" Nianqing suddenly excited, "Yes, how can I forget this date? I'll have my secretary make a reservation. The lobster at the SC Johnson restaurant is his favorite. I don't believe that with champagne, delicious food and beautiful women, he was so cruel that he ignored me. "Yes," he teased her, "a woman's greatest magic weapon is tears, if you really can't handle him, you just look at him silently,Flush Retrofit Kit, and then tears flow one by one." "Do you think I am the heroine of the eight o'clock drama?" Nianqing finally laughed. Looking at the desk calendar, there are only three days left before Valentine's Day. Fortunately, it's in time for the signing of the telegram between Ming and Kyle.

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