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AdBirds introduces an Opinion category where adults can have unmoderated conversations

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Hey Facebook,

I think #META will be a hot stock buy again when they get a better management team. The only thing social media platforms should moderate, remove and report are actual crimes like child or animal abuse videos etc.

For instance, don't interfere with adults having a conversation on your platform even if you disagree with us. Sharing pics of the idiots ( horns guy on the lectern) in DC on Jan 6th got me several threats of removal. I found that on fb and lent no support to them. The guy has since been convicted of a crime, although the Capitol cop who shot a woman to death has not been charged.

Talking about it is not a crime.

Talking about #COVID treatments used by MDs is not a crime.

Doping-up and putting Biden on a lectern in front of a camera ought to be (elder abuse) ??

 Seriously people,    I believe in FREE SPEECH and the entire U.S. Constitution so that's where my platform resides. 

So just enjoy!  

 - Randall F Stephens    AdBirds founder and CEO

#Covid-19 , #Omicron , #Ivermectin , Freedom of Speech

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