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Affiliate And Franchise Programs


On becoming an affiliate or franchisee with adbirds.  What's the difference?

 - Our affiliates may be organizations with immediate credits when the affiliate generates new Value or Unlimited users.

 - A franchisee may offer a thirty day trial period for Value and Unlimited users after approval for the program as a franchise holder per the *franchise terms of agreement.

We want to help charitable organizations get the attention they deserve!  Charity or community - based organization accounts get free business level services and can be "affiliates".  Fund-raising managers for the organizations are asked to create a Charity account.  Charity account holders are identified as such on the ads to prevent abuse.

The adbirds affiliate program pays out monthly whenever the organization's affiliate coupon or tracking link is used to create a Value or Unlimited business account, or upgrade a free account to Value or Unlimited status. We will pay 1/3 (.33) of all Value and Unlimited accounts up to 10 years for all active accounts; and,

We will thank the affiliate's advertisers with a window sticker for the business identifying the organization being supported with their advertising on as well as an opportunity to participate in our contests for additional attention to their business' store address on

What's an affiliate or franchise account worth?

- Simple math:   One Unlimited account (developed primarily for merchants to compete with national chains) costs $30.00 a month or $330.00 per year.   

- Value accounts cost $5.00 per month, or $55.00 per year.  Annual account get a free month that way.  Your coupon or affiliate link gives the user another free month of service during setup where,  if the user doesn't want the service; AND, the account is downgraded to free or deleted before the billing on month later, the user will not be billed.  The accounts are billed via a leading merchant accounting firm and our affiliates are paid their correct percentage on the 15th of each month.

Thinking BIG:  Score adbirds 10 annually-paid Unlimited accounts with your coupon or by sharing your tracking link and the donations will be $1,100.00 per year.

Thinking bigger:  When the organization's unique coupon or tracking link are credited for 500 Unlimited accounts paid monthly, the donations would be $5000.00 per month.

There will be a combination of Value and Unlimited accounts once your fundraising team is successful in getting the local merchants on board with adbirds.


How to become an adbirds affiliate:

- For instance; after the affiliate (organization) creates a Charity account, the account manager should log in and click on the My Account link, followed by the Affiliate Program link.  

- Complete the application (or ask to send us a W9) and notify adbirds via the Contact form.  Remember to give us your phone number in case you did not do so on the affiliate application.

- We will contact the user account / organization manager to verify information via a secure, proprietary email and ask them to call with their user name or other code word only they will know.

How it works:

- In communication we will create a coupon useable in print format or verbal, "on air" campaigns.  Have you heard a talk show host say; "use the promo code, RUSH" or "NEIL" or something similar for their sponsors?  Our program works the same way.   Our tracking links when clicked open a browser window and contain a cookie which IF the person on theother end allows cookies will store the credit for 30 days; and, if the person creates any Free, Value or Unlimited account within that thirty days, the credit for that account lasts 30 years for the charity or community based organization or their friends in media who donate residual payments to said organization as stated publicly.

- We will give the charity or community based organization a pdf version of a "Sell Sheet" telling local businesses what they receive for supporting the organization by subscribing the a Value or Unlimited account. 

- Managers, contact us for special requests.  We want to help you!

What do we do for the Value and Unlimited account holders?

- They get all the great features of a Value or Unlimited account as stated on the registration page.

- We will help the Unlimited account users with a CSV or similar spreadsheet upload to create their mass upload (makes an SEO friendly ad for every item sold by the user) with no limit to number of items.

- We at adbirds will tweet and share their store's ads on social media for free, just like we do for many free user accounts.

- We like to hear from our advertisers and are open to suggestions and proposals for joint ventures!  


Additional Incentives

All adbirds account holders are eligible for contests, prizes and awards as posted on the Travel Incentives page, facebook, twitter, our blog, and special ads posted by the founder of adbirds.


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We are the free online classified advertising site designed to make a positive difference in our world.  With affordable business services and a unique distance - fuel cost calculator when you select "get distance".  Our goal is to help you save time and fuel while shopping and dining at local businesses.  All images and information uploaded by adbirds are property of adbirds or used with permission.   Please, help us remain child - friendly!  Log in to flag an ad that seems inappropriate.  Please read our Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions/ User Agreement prior to posting.  We reserve the right to modify terms without notice.  ADBIRDS is not responsible for the actions or performance of any advertiser herein.     

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